Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Sunday Smile

Today my friend and I enjoyed a cup of coffee and braved the cold and explored around Fort Tyron Park (absolutely my favorite place in NYC). I love going there to see each the early Fall is was full of color and now it is a gorgeous winter wonderland.
                                                        Just like a frozen waterfall

                                                All photos by me, thank you blackberrry!



  1. a) your blackberry takes WAY better pictures than mine. i think i'm getting close to converting to the iphone. (do you like how i pretend i have enough money for an iphone right now?)
    b) beautiful! we have snow here in South Carolina, and it makes visiting a LOT more bearable.

  2. It's a fairly new blackberry...sometimes it kinda sucks at taking pictures though. I will convert to the Iphone when it is on my network!! Then I will feel really fancy.

    I like the snow when I don't have to be out in it!! I was out in it all day yesterday running errands and now I am sick again : (
